Outdoor Shooting Activities

A Faster Skeet Shooting Game Helice Enjoy the tradition, quality and hospitality of Selwood FarmPronounced (hell-ees), this well-established game in Europe is catching on quickly. ​Selwood Farm is pleased to offer the only Helice ring to Alabama. Helice a fast- paced...

5-Stand Sporting Clay
5-Stand Sporting Enjoy the tradition, quality and hospitality of Selwood FarmSelwood's comprehensive shooting facility includes a covered, automated 5-Stand Sporting. Our 5-Stand is a great way to warm up before your hunt or a round of sporting clays. 5-Stand Sporting...

Shooting Instructions
Wing Shooting & Clay Target Instruction Shooting Instructions Enjoy the tradition, quality and hospitality of Selwood FarmNew to the sport? Preparing for that hunt of a lifetime?Selwood offers the best in wing shooting and clay target instruction. Whether one-on-one...

Clay Courses
Two Courses Sporting Clays 26 comprehensive fully automated shooting fieldsThe game of Sporting Clays is the fastest growing shotgun sport in the world. Sporting Clays is shot on a course with a varying number of stations. Each of Selwood's 26 stations provides the...

Hunting Enjoy the tradition, quality and hospitality of Selwood FarmOffered October 1 - March 31Pheasant Tower Shoots Every hunting season, Selwood Farm hosts several Pheasant Shoots open to the public. This form of hunting mimics the driven shooting style of...